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Best Practices, Articles, and Case Studies on KM Engagement and Participation


Lots of organizations provide tools and approaches to support knowledge management, but only a few have figured out how to integrate KM into their cultures and get employees excited about sharing what they know. If you’re interested in best practices for increasing KM participation rates, check out…

Getting Product Development Teams to Capture, Transfer, and Reuse Knowledge


Good knowledge managers know that the real value of KM comes not when knowledge is shared, but when it is applied to a new situation—in other words, when the knowledge allows the organization to do something better, faster, cheaper, or more safely. One area where KM can generate a lot of value is…

Pricing Pressure Intensifies: APQC Study Examines Evolution in Purchasing Trends for Consulting


Turnabout is fair play: Consultants spent decades helping companies squeeze out every bit of margin across supply chains and within their internal operations. Now, consultants are the vendors feeling the vice clamps. The last decade was bookended by two downturns, both of which led consultants to…