Whether you're looking for a benchmarking assessment to compare your KPIs to your peers, or you're looking for a maturity assessment to identify growth opportunities for strategic opportunities, APQC's assessment catalog can help find the right assessment. Choose the assessment type you are interested in from one of the boxes below, or scroll down to browse assessments by topic.
Rapid Performance Assessments
APQC's Rapid Performance Assessments are narrowly-focused, easy to complete, and result in high-quality data you can use in your most critical decision making. Assessments typically take approximately 10 hours to complete. Each assessment is individually validated by APQC's analysts to ensure quality and apples-to-apples comparisons. Rapid Performance Assessments are complimentary for APQC members.
Open Standards Benchmarking Assessments
APQC's Open Standards Benchmarking Assessments are comprehensive. Most Open Standards Benchmarking Performance Assessments are thorough, encompassing cost, efficiency, effectiveness, and supplemental information for an entire function or process. Assessments take approximately 20 hours to complete. Validation ensures your answers are complete, correct, and accurate. The resulting reports support numerous management needs. Open Standards Benchmarking Performance Assessments are complimentary for APQC members.
Capability Assessments
APQC's Capability Model Assessments leverage our best practice maturity models and expertise to help you understand, plan, and assess your knowledge or business processes and gives you the steps needed to take your performance to a higher level. Assessments typically take place with assistance from APQC's Advisory Services team.
Research Assessments
APQC's Research Assessments address novel topics and up-to-the-minute research needs. Surveys are focused on specific research hypotheses and the resulting reports demonstrate APQC's newest best practice research and findings. Research Assessments are complimentary for APQC members.
APQC Assessments: Assessments
Step 1: Select a Topic
Choosing an assessment is as easy as selecting a topic, choosing the type of assessment survey you’d like to complete, and taking your next step in process improvement.