K-12 Education

Services to Support Excellence in Education

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With APQC’s North Star Education K-12 Services, our clients have saved more than $125 million and tens of thousands of hours, increased employee collaboration, and streamlined processes. APQC membership gives you access to hundreds of benchmarks, best practices, and other resources and tools. Members and non-members can also engage our Advisory Services team to provide customized training and consulting for a variety of challenges, from strategic planning to process redesign. 


Our Advisory Services team offers a variety of courses, workshops, and services designed to help school districts reform their business processes and enhance productivity and student achievement. These include strategic planning workshops, organizational assessments, and on-site consulting.


We have partnered with the Center for Educational Leadership & Technology (CELT) to work on Master Planning for Innovation (MPI), which is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. MPI is an innovative approach for planning education reforms, based on private-sector best practices.   


Our Resource Library includes articles and white papers on process and performance management (PPM), and case studies on how other organizations and educators have optimized their operations. Find the information you need to learn about, implement, and maintain your district’s process improvement programs. 

Interested in learning more?

Use our education solutions to jumpstart your district’s transformation program

APQC K-12 Solutions are tailored to help K-12 education leaders meet the specific challenges of district-wide process improvement or process redesign programs.

Through workshops, strategic planning activities, on-site consulting, and other tailored solutions, our education consultants apply process and business thinking to help you meet your specific goals at any stage. Get customized help to reform your district’s business processes and enhance productivity and student achievement.

I have been in education for 42 years, but have never seen a project like APQC’s North Star that has the potential to completely transform the educational system in this country.

Get Expert Guidance Tailored to Your District's Needs

APQC Advisory Services

Whether you’re just about to start a large-scale process reform initiative, or need help targeting key areas for improvement, our Advisory Services team can help. Our process and performance improvement consultants have helped education leaders in more than 150 school districts around the world improve performance and realize their program goals.

To learn more, contact our vice president for education:

Mardi K Headshot

Mardi C.Krenek, Vice President Education

Direct: +1-713-685-4743
Toll-free: (US and Canada) +1-800-776-9676 ext. 4743
Contact via Email