The Employee Experience

HR and management circles are abuzz with talk of a new human capital management approach—the employee experience—which promises to positively transform work. But, behind this talk, lies a lot of confusion. Use these resources to get a clear understanding of this timely topic.

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Employer Guide to Engaging Employees

Employers today are increasing spending on employee engagement. Use the resources in this collection to make sure your investments in employee engagement yield the desired results. Inside you will find guidance on how to make the business case for investing in employee engagement, set an engagement strategy that will be effective with employees today, modernize your employee listening practices and leverage the employee experience.

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What is the employee experience?

Employee experience is a holistic understanding of what employees do—the physical environment, the culture in which they evolve and the work and activities (increasingly through digital means) that they perform. These three dimensions come together throughout the employee lifecycle—there is a candidate experience, onboarding, learning, working experience, etc. Each moment that matters in a day or in a career can be understood with the experience lenses, i.e., what does it look like from the perspective of the employee? Is there a sense of personalization, access, convenience and authenticity? A lot of that approach is inspired by previous work in customer experience—HR is just applying it to employees.

The Employee Experience 101: An Interview with IBM’s Benoit Hardy-Vallée
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How does the employee experience differ from employee engagement?

Experience is what it feels like to be an employee. Over time, if you have many positive, constructive, meaningful experiences, you will be more engaged. Engaged employees have higher retention and productivity because they care about the work, the workplace and their organization. Engagement looks at the relationship between the employee and the organization, with drivers such as trust in leadership, communication, recognition, career development, and future vision.

In short, it’s about good management and good leadership. We engage employees by appealing to their aspirations and rewarding them, it has a fundamentally human dimension. Experience, being a broader concept, encompasses also the physical layout of your workspace, the flexibility of your work hours and location, the quality of the digital systems that you use, etc.

7 Lessons Learned for Engaging Employees

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