
The APQC Blog

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Don’t Fear Hackers: Leveraging STEM Experts and Creating New Knowledge at Houston Open Innovation Hackathon


Many industries contend with shortages of scientific, technical, engineering, and math (STEM) experts. Especially here in Houston, we hear a lot about public and private efforts to promote STEM education to bring future experts into the pipeline. But APQC’s recent research, How Smart Leaders…

How Knowledge Management, Big Analytics, Johnny Manziel, and the Cleveland Browns Collided


Okay, truth be told, this blog is really about big data analytics and the Cleveland Browns. However, if you’ve read even this far, then you’re probably either a Browns fan or a Browns hater. It really doesn’t matter to me which though, so long as you keep reading because it really is an interesting…

Knowledge Management Spotlight: How Israel Aerospace Preserved Critical Knowledge


Avi Kedem, Chief Knowledge officer with Israel Aerospace Industries, talks about knowledge continuity and how Israel Aerospace created a structured process to preserve critical knowledge from retiring workers. If you would like to see more conference highlights, you can go to our 2014 Knowledge…

Ford's Environmental Strategy Helps Improve Its Manufacturing Processes and Bottom Line


APQC recently spoke with Lawrence Merritt, Jr., Manager of Global Environmental Policy at Ford Motor Company’s Environmental Quality Office, on the importance of having a manufacturing environmental strategy. He also discussed the implementation and benefits of Ford’s Environmental Operating System…