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PCF July Mailbag: Aligning PCF to ITIL, flowcharts, and better way to compare versions of PCF


In the July episode of the PCF Mailbag I discuss mapping and alignment between the PCF and the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) for IT processes, why the PCF doesn't use flow charts, and an easier and simpler way to compare older versions of the PCF to the most recent one.…

PCF June Mailbag: Definitions, PCF BPM Implementation, and Pharmaceutical PCF


Today I'd like to launch a new feature here at APQC: the PCF mailbag. Like many other mailbag kind of sessions, this one will be driven by questions submitted by our members, PCF users, and other who are interested in the PCF. I'll answer the questions to the best of my ability and maybe even pull…