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Measure Spotlights|
Number of FTEs that perform IT processes per $1 billion revenue
This measure calculates number of full time equivalents (FTEs) who perform the function "manage information technology" per $1 billion revenue. The Function "manage…
Measure Spotlights|
Number of end users serviced by the IT function per IT function FTE
This measure calculates the number of end users per IT function FTE. IT end users (or IT customers) are all internal users of the business entity's IT systems. IT function…
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Total IT cost, excluding depreciation/amortization, per $1,000 revenue
This measure calculates total annual IT cost, excluding depreciation/amortization, per $1,000 business entity revenue. Total IT Cost or Budget (excluding depreciation…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of typical overall forecast accuracy for IT resource requirements to meet business needs
This measure calculates the typical overall forecast accuracy for IT resource requirements to meet business needs (express as a percentage). This Process Efficiency measure…
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Typical number of weeks from concept to launch for a major release to existing application
This measure calculates the typical cycle time in weeks from concept to launch (in the marketplace, for commercial applications; or with internal end users, for internal-use…
Measure Spotlights|
Number of new lines of code written each year per application development FTE
This measure calculates the number of new lines of code that are written each year per application development full time equivalent (FTE). Application development involves…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of IT incidents resolved in compliance with SLAs
This measure calculates the percentage of IT incidents resolved in compliance with SLAs (Service Level Agreements). The IT function concerns the development, delivery,…
Measure Spotlights|
Number of business entity employees per FTE that performs IT processes
This measure calculates the number of business entity employees per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee that performs the function, "manage information technology." This…
Measure Spotlights|
Number of FTEs that perform the IT function per 1,000 end users
This measure calculates number of full time equivalents (FTEs) who perform the function "manage information technology" per 1,000 end users. IT end users (or IT customers)…
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Total IT cost, excluding depreciation/amortization, as a percentage of revenue
This measure calculates the total cost of the IT function, excluding any depreciation/amortization allocated to the fiscal year for capital assets acquired in the current…
Measure Spotlights|
Total annual number of test cases per testing FTE
This measure calculates the total annual number of test cases per testing FTE (Full Time Equivalent). This Staff Productivity measure is intended to help companies assess the…
Measure Spotlights|
Average time in minutes taken to repair and restore IT services after a high severity incident occurs
This measure calculates the average time in minutes taken to repair and restore IT services after a high severity incident occurs. This Cycle Time measure is intended to help…
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Percentage of changes to the IT production environment at organization result in service impairment or outages
This measure calculates the percentage of changes to the IT production environment at organization that result in service impairment or outages. This Supplemental Information…
Measure Spotlights|
Total number of cybersecurity FTEs (including contractors and outsourced resources) as percentage of total business entity FTEs
This measure calculates the total number of cybersecurity FTEs (Full time equivalents) (including contractors and outsourced resources) as a percentage of total FTEs (Full…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of cybersecurity incidents over the past year that were automatically remediated
This measure calculates the percentage of cybersecurity incidents over the past year were automatically rectified (combining analytics such as AI with automation to determine…