Personnel cost to perform the function "manage information technology" per IT function FTE
This measure calculates the internal personnel and external personnel costs to perform the function “manage information technology” per IT function full-time equivalent employee (FTE), which includes employees within business units (outside the IT function), contractors, outsourced staff, and other such non-employees who perform IT work. While inclusion or exclusion of IT capital expenses' depreciation/amortization allocated to this year is typically important for IT cost metrics, this is unrelated to IT personnel. The IT function involves managing process groups relevant to the business of information technology within an organization. The process groups include develop and manage IT customer relationships, develop and manage IT business strategy, develop and manage IT resilience and risk, manage information, develop and manage services/solutions, deploy services/solutions, and create and manage support services/solutions. Personnel cost refers to employee salaries/wages, bonuses, benefits, etc. This measure is part of a set of Cost Effectiveness measures that help companies understand all cost expenditures related to the category "manage information technology."
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Compute this Measure
Units for this measure are dollars.
(Total annual IT cost (excluding depreciation/amortization) * Percentage of total IT cost (excluding depreciation/amortization) allocated to IT operating cost * (Percentage of IT operating cost (excluding depreciation/amortization) allocated to internal personnel + Percentage of IT operating cost (excluding depreciation/amortization) allocated to external personnel)*.0001) / Number of FTEs who perform the function "manage information technology" (internal and external)
Key Terms
To calculate the number of full-time equivalents employed during the year for each respective process or activity, you must prorate the number of employees and the hours spent performing each process/activity. Assume that a full-time worker represents 40 hours per week. Provide the average number of full-time equivalents employed during the year for each respective process. Include full-time employees, part-time employees, and temporary workers hired during peak demand periods. Allocate only the portion of the employee's time that relates to or supports the activities identified for an applicable process. Prorate management and secretarial time by estimating the level of effort in support of each activity, by process.
For example, a part-time secretary in the finance department for XYZ, Inc. charges all of his time to finance department activities. He works 20 hours per week. The secretary splits his time evenly supporting employees working in the general accounting process and the financial reporting process. Thus, his time should be allocated by process. So, if he works throughout the year and supports these two processes, his time would be split evenly as:
20hrs/40hrs = .5FTE * 50% for general accounting = .25FTE for general accounting
20hrs/40hrs = .5FTE * 50% for financial reporting = .25FTE for financial reporting
Personnel cost is the cost associated with personnel compensation and fringe benefits of employees (i.e., those classified as FTEs which includes both full-time and salaried/hourly employees) contributing to each respective process. Personnel cost should include all of the following costs.
Employee Compensation: Includes salaries and wages, bonuses, overtime and benefits.
Fringe: Includes contributions made towards the employees' government retirement fund, workers compensation, insurance plans, savings plans, pension funds/retirement plans, and stock purchase plans. This should also include special allowances, such as relocation expenses and car allowances.
Cost effectiveness measures are those in which two related variables, one of which is the cost and one of which is the related outcome related to the expenditure are used to determine a particular metric value.
The metric value which represents the 50th percentile of a peer group. This could also be communicated as the metric value where half of the peer group sample shows lower performance than the expressed metric value or half of the peer group sample shows higher performance than the expressed metric value.
Measure Scope
Cross Industry (7.1.0)
8.1 - Manage the business of information technology (10563) - Handling the business of IT. Create a organization-wide strategy for the IT function. Define the organization's IT architecture. Manage the IT portfolio. Research and innovate in the field of IT. Assess and convey the performance and the value of the IT function.
8.1.1 - Develop the enterprise IT strategy (10570) - Creating a strategy for the IT function. Build strategic IT intelligence. Recognize the current and future IT needs of the organization. Establish the guidelines and principles that support the IT function. Develop the architectural structure of IT function. Establish relationships with IT components suppliers. Define IT governance. Align IT objectives with the overall business objectives.
- - Build strategic intelligence (10603) - Developing strategic intelligence for IT. Develop a strategy that pertains to collecting, processing, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence in order to form an IT policy. Create a plan for a mission and vision for IT business within the organization.
- - Identify long-term IT needs of the enterprise in collaboration with stakeholders (10604) - Making the planning process for IT investments and decision making a quicker, more flexible, and more thoroughly aligned process. Recognize the organization's current and future information technology including computers, computer peripherals, trace route, DNS lookup, ping, routing tables, ARP tables, and interface statistics.
- - Define strategic standards, guidelines, and principles (10605) - Establishing the rules and regulations that will guide the IT function. Establish strategic standards regarding the organization's IT tools in order to share information about practices based on replicable, proven procedures.
- - Define and establish IT architecture and development standards (10606) - Establishing a process to develop methodical IT specifications, models, and guidelines.
- - Define strategic vendors for IT components (10607) - Establishing the suppliers of IT components. Create and maintain relationships with suppliers of IT components. Identify and assess the most cost-effective and efficient vendors.
- - Establish IT governance organization and processes (10608) - Creating and establishing an internal department that ensures the effective and efficient use of IT. Define IT demand governance to ensure the effective evaluation, selection, prioritization, and funding of competing IT investments. Oversee their implementation. Extract measurable business benefits.
- - Build strategic roadmap to develop IT capabilities in support of business objectives (10609) - Designing a strategic plan that specifies the goals and objectives of IT function and how it contributes to the overall business objectives. Align with the business objectives of the organization.
8.1.2 - Define the enterprise architecture (10571) - Outlining the organization's IT architecture. Establish the IT architecture definition and framework. Create and confirm the approach for the maintenance of it. Ensure the relevance of it. Create the rules and regulations to guide the IT architecture. Act as the clearinghouse for all the IT research and innovation that takes place within the organization.
- - Establish the current and future enterprise architecture definition (10611) - Establishing the process to develop methodical IT specifications, models, and guidelines for the organization. Define a process specific to the needs and requirements of the organization. Assess the interrelationships of the business process architecture, the information architecture, the components and services architectures, and the infrastructure architectures to ensure their continued relevance.
- - Confirm enterprise architecture maintenance approach (10612) - Developing an approach for the maintenance of IT architecture.
- - Maintain the relevance of the enterprise architecture (10613) - Preserving the relevance of IT architecture. Ensure that the IT architecture is consistent with shifts and changes within the organizational framework and pertinent to the organization's overarching strategy.
- - Act as clearinghouse for IT research and innovation (10614) - Creating a centralized support structure that gathers, administers, and dispenses information relevant to new developments within IT research and innovation. Establish the IT function as the center through which all the information about the IT research and innovation can be collected, stored, and distributed. Enable the IT function to be the sole authority that takes care of all the technology information communication and settlement processes.
- - Govern the enterprise architecture (10615) - Administering the governance of IT architecture. Create and establish the rules, regulations, policies, and standards that will govern the individual components of the IT architecture, as well as the architecture in its entirety.
8.1.3 - Manage the IT portfolio (10572) - Creating and establishing the portfolio by defining the projects, investments, and activities. Analyze and examine the value of the IT portfolio. Allocate resources toward it.
- - Establish the IT portfolio (10616) - Creating and establishing IT investments, projects, and activities (collectively known as the IT portfolio). Include planned IT initiatives and ongoing IT services (such as application support).
- - Analyze and evaluate the value of the IT portfolio for the enterprise (10617) - Examining and evaluating the value of the IT portfolio for the organization as a whole. Explore and interpret the value of the investments, projects, and activities of IT function by assigning it a quantifiable and qualitative value.
- - Provision resources in accordance with strategic priorities (10618) - Allocating financial and physical resources for the IT portfolio, keeping in consent with the overall strategic priorities of the IT function.
8.1.4 - Perform IT research and innovation (10573) - Performing research and innovating effectively in order to improve the IT function. Perform a systematic investigation to find new IT services and solutions or to develop the existing ones. Upgrade and transform technologies that serve as the basis for the IT services and solutions.
- - Research technologies to innovate IT services and solutions (10620) - Systematically investigating and study materials and sources relevant to the IT function. Reach meaningful insights and conclusions in the form new ideas and innovation for the IT function.
- - Transition viable technologies for IT services and solutions development (10621) - Enhancing and improving the performance of IT services and solutions for the careful and routine transformation of the most feasible and practical technologies.
8.1.5 - Evaluate and communicate IT business value and performance (10575) - Determining the business value of IT, and effectively conveying it to stakeholders. Establish key performance indicators of the overall performance of the IT plan. Communicate the determined value and performance of the IT function to stakeholders.
- - Establish and monitor key performance indicators (10625) - Evaluating IT factors that are crucial to the organization's success. Measure indicators such as IT costs as percentage of revenue, IT maintenance ratio, and system downtime.
- - Evaluate IT plan performance (10626) - Assessing the performance of the IT plan. Using the established performance indicators to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the IT plan.
- - Communicate IT value (10627) - Conveying the value of IT to stakeholders. Use the evaluation of IT plan performance in order to determine the value of the IT function for the overall business objectives. Communicate the determined value of the plan to stakeholders including the shareholders, employees, and vendors.
8.2 - Develop and manage IT customer relationships (10564) - Creating and administering relationships with IT customers. Create a strategy for the IT services and solutions. Create and administer the services levels in IT. Perform demand-side management for the IT services. Manage the satisfaction levels of the IT customers. Strategize the marketing approach for IT services and solutions.
8.2.1 - Develop IT services and solutions strategy (10578) - Developing a strategy that creates a base for delivering IT solutions aligned with overall business needs while maintaining a tight control on delivery and costs. Conduct research within the IT services and solutions field. Translate the requirements into IT services and solutions initiatives. Coordinate with internal stakeholders to ensure alignment. Evaluate the formulated strategic initiatives to select the most feasible.
- - Research IT services and solutions to address business and user requirements (11244) - Conducting a detailed and systematic investigation within the field on IT services and solutions. Confirm through users and the IT function the availability of the required services and solutions.
- - Translate business and user requirements into IT services and solutions requirements (11245) - Evaluating the requirements and needs of business and its users. Transform these requirements into IT services and solutions requirements. Ensure that these requirements are fulfilled through IT services and solutions.
- - Formulate IT services and solutions strategic initiatives (11246) - Selecting and strategizing the initiatives that need to be taken in the IT services and solutions field. Create new programs and initiatives to ensure innovation and development in providing the IT services and solutions.
- - Coordinate strategies with internal stakeholders to ensure alignment (11247) - Synchronizing IT services and solutions strategies with internal stakeholders. Coordinate and communicate the IT services and solutions strategies and initiatives with internal stakeholders, including board members, staff, volunteers, and donors. Correlate between the IT services and solutions strategy and the overall IT strategy to ensure alignment with the internal stakeholders.
- - Evaluate and select IT services and solutions strategic initiatives (11248) - Assessing the strategic initiatives for IT services and solutions in order to choose the most appropriate strategic initiative. Assess the IT services and solution strategic initiatives by carefully selecting the most feasible and practical individual initiatives.
8.2.2 - Develop and manage IT service levels (10579) - Establishing and maintaining service levels for the provision of IT services and solutions. Design and maintain the IT services and solution catalog, as well as service level agreements. Evaluate the performance of IT service level agreements. Communicate the results to the management.
- - Create and maintain the IT services and solutions catalog (10640) - Create and design an organized and curated collection of all IT-related services that can be performed by, for, or within the organization. Maintain information about deliverables, prices, contact points, and processes for requesting a service.
- - Establish and maintain business and IT service-level agreements (10641) - Developing and maintaining service agreements for IT services and solutions provided by the organization. Create and maintain a contract or agreement between the service provider (the organization) and the end user that defines the level of service expected. Describe the services being provided, responsiveness, procedure for reporting problems, etc.
- - Evaluate and report service-level attainment results (10642) - Determining, documenting, and reporting the results of service levels achieved by the IT function. Evaluate and assess the results and performance achieved by the IT service-level structure of the organization. Create metrics and indicators to measure the volume and quality of work (including precision and accuracy), speed, responsiveness, and efficiency of the structure. Report the results to management.
- - Communicate business and IT service-level improvement opportunities (10643) - Conveying the improvement opportunities for the business and level of IT services. Leverage the results obtained from the performance metrics of the business and IT service levels to identify and recognize any opportunities that would improve or enhance the efficiency of the business and IT service-level structure. Communicate these opportunities to management in order for the improvements to take effect.
8.2.3 - Perform demand-side management (DSM) for IT services (10580) - Selecting, planning, and implementing measures that should influence the demand, or customer side, for the organization's IT services and solutions. Analyze the recent IT services and solutions consumption levels. Develop strategies to improve the consumption efficiency. Estimate the future volume/unit consumption by taking the improvements into account.
- - Analyze IT services and solutions consumption and usage (10644) - Evaluating and comprehending the use and consumption of IT services and solutions. Take into account the consumption by every end user in order to calculate indicators such as average usage per user and total usage per user.
- - Develop and implement incentive programs that improve consumption efficiency (10645) - Creating and delivering incentive programs for improving the consumption efficiency provided by IT services and solutions.
- - Develop volume/unit forecast for IT services and solutions (10646) - Gauging the effect of the incentive programs and initiatives to intelligently forecast the future volume/unit consumption and usage of the IT services and solutions.
8.2.4 - Manage IT customer satisfaction (10581) - Recording and analyzing customer satisfaction levels. Identify customer satisfaction patterns through the data. Initiate new strategies to improve customer satisfaction levels base on the customer satisfaction patterns.
- - Capture and analyze customer satisfaction (10647) - Recording and analyzing how IT services and solutions meet or surpass customer expectations. Leverage techniques such as Csat score, net promoter score, and customer efforts score.
- - Assess and communicate customer satisfaction patterns (10648) - Determining patterns of customer satisfaction, and conveying them to management. Analyze individual components such as purchasing patterns, requirements, and expectations. Communicate the results to management. (Carefully examine Capture and analyze customer satisfaction [10647] in order to reach meaningful conclusions.)
- - Initiate improvements based on customer satisfaction patterns (10649) - Creating an improvement strategy based on customer service response patterns. Leverage customer loyalty, experience, expectations, and interactions. Incorporate customer feedback.
8.2.5 - Market IT services and solutions (10582) - Developing a strategy that effectively markets IT solutions and services through advertising and promotions campaigns. Track and process orders for IT services and solutions.
- - Develop IT services and solutions marketing strategy (10650) - Creating a strategy for effectively marketing IT services and solutions. Create a promotional strategy, pricing strategy, competitive strategy, etc. to enhance the market and market reach of the organization.
- - Develop and manage IT customer strategy (10651) - Developing and administering the strategy for IT customers. Create a plan to create services and solutions, conduct daily operations, and train new employees.
- - Manage IT services and solutions advertising and promotional campaigns (10652) - Effectively communicating and raising customer awareness of a product or brand, generating sales, and creating brand loyalty within the end users of the organization's IT services and solutions. Create advertising and promotional campaigns. Implement the campaigns through various means of communication such as television, posters, and the internet.
- - Process and track IT services and solutions orders (10653) - Monitoring orders for IT solutions and services, and processing them on time. Accept and approve orders so they may be completed.
8.3 - Develop and implement security, privacy, and data protection controls (11220) - Creating and deploying an architecture for securing and ensuring the privacy of data flows throughout the organization. Create and develop protocols that ensure proper and efficient use of IT services and solutions. Test, evaluate, and implement the policies and protocols.
8.3.1 - Establish information security, privacy, and data protection strategies and levels (11230) - Implementing strategies for securing and ensuring the privacy of data flows throughout the organization. Create protocols and guidelines for individual IT components in order to avoid misuse of information and breach of individual or organizational privacy.
8.3.2 - Test, evaluate, and implement information security and privacy and data protection controls (11231) - Examining, assessing, and executing the privacy and data controls for information security. Test, analyze, and implement established information security and privacy protocols in order to safeguard the IT function.
8.4 - Manage enterprise information (10565) - Creating strategies to manage the organization's information and content. Outline the architecture for information. Administer information resources. Administer the management of data and content.
8.4.1 - Develop information and content management strategies (10583) - Creating strategies to administer information and content. Understand the needs of the organization for information and content management. Realize the role of IT services for implementing the overall business strategy. Assess the implications of new technologies for managing information and content. Identify and prioritize the most effective and efficient actions for managing information and content.
- - Understand information and content management needs and the role of IT services for executing the business strategy (10654) - Assessing and understanding the requirements, as well as the utility, of the IT function in implementing the knowledge management process. Acquire, distribute, and archive/delete information. Executing IT solutions for the overall business strategy of the organization. Correlate the IT strategy with the overall business strategy.
- - Assess the information and content management implications of new technologies (10655) - Evaluating the impact of new technologies in administering information and content. Evaluate and analyze the use of the new technologies in managing the information and content systems. Leverage a management information systems for efficient and strategic decision making. Leverage a transaction processing system, decision support systems, expert system, executive information system, etc.
- - Identify and prioritize information and content management actions (10656) - Determining the appropriate and effective actions for managing information and content in order to prioritize them. Recognize which information management and content management actions hold more importance by assessing their effectiveness and efficiency. Prioritize actions in context with the information and content management strategies.
8.4.2 - Define the enterprise information architecture (10584) - Establishing the architecture of the organizations' information. Establish data custodianship by selecting data custodians. Make the necessary changes to the content data architecture.
- - Define information elements, composite structure, logical relationships and constraints, taxonomy, and derivation rules (10657) - Defining the bounds, rules, diction, and the logic that make up the skeletal framework of the organization's information architecture. Clearly delineate information attributes that flow through the IT framework, along with the overarching structure, the circumference of operations, the logic and syntax of the languages used, and the rules of derivation employed. Delineation is for reworking and remodeling the enterprise information architecture from industry best practices and legacy blueprints.
- - Define information access requirements (10658) - Establishing needs for accessing information. Address issues related to information including copyright, open source, privacy, security, etc.
- - Establish data custodianship (10659) - Determining who will be responsible for the safe custody, transport, and storage of the data and implementation of business rules. Determine who will be responsible for the technical environment and database structure.
- - Manage changes to content data architecture requirements (10660) - Implementing changes to meet content data requirements. Make necessary changes to the process of designing, creating, deploying, and managing an organization's data architecture.
8.4.3 - Manage information resources (10585) - Administering information changes. Define information/data rules, regulations, and standards. Develop and manage the administration of the data/information and content of the enterprise.
- - Define the enterprise information/data policies and standards (10661) - Outlining and establishing policies for information/data, and setting information standards. Establish laws, regulations, and policies to regulate the creation, use, storage, access, communication, and dissemination of information. Define information standards to maintain.
- - Develop and implement data and content administration (10662) - Developing and executing administration policies for data and content. Create strategies for processes and technologies that support the collection, managing, and storing of information in any form or medium.
8.4.4 - Perform enterprise data and content management (10586) - Executing data and content management. Define the sources and destination of content data. Manage the technical interfaces for the users of the content. Revise, retain, and retire information.
- - Define sources and destinations of content data (10663) - Establishing the sources for obtaining content data and the destinations for delivering content data. Evaluate the various sources and destinations for content data. Strategically select the sources and destinations that maximize the efficiency of data and content management.
- - Manage technical interfaces to users of content (10664) - Managing and improvising the interface for the users of content data. Manage the user interface, software interface, and hardware interface.
- - Manage retention, revision, and retirement of enterprise information (10665) - Administering the information to be retained, refurbished, and disposed. Examine and judge the efficiency of the present information using various techniques to decide which information is to be retained, revised, and retired.
8.5 - Develop and maintain information technology solutions (10566) - Creating and preserving the organization's IT solutions. Enhance and maintain IT solutions by creating a strategy for improving the IT function. Perform life-cycle planning for IT services and solutions. Create and maintain an architecture for IT services and solutions. Create and maintain IT services and solutions.
8.5.1 - Develop the IT development strategy (10587) - Creating and implementing a strategy for developing the IT function. Establish sources for IT development. Establish processes, methodologies, and tools. Select appropriate development tools and methodologies.
- - Establish sourcing strategy for IT development (10666) - Designing and establishing an institutional procurement process that defines the sources and ways that continuously improve and re-evaluate the IT services. Outline how specific vendors and suppliers will deliver the IT components and activities to develop the IT function.
- - Define development processes, methodologies, and tools standards (10667) - Establishing the methods, processes, and tools that will set the foundation for developing the IT development strategy. Define the new components, technologies, tools, and software for the development process.
- - Select development methodologies and tools (10668) - Identifying approaches and equipment for developing the IT function and choosing the most appropriate approach and tools. Analyze the pros and cons of various tools and methods on the basis of their cost effectiveness, development value, etc.
8.5.2 - Perform IT services and solutions life cycle planning (10588) - Executing life-cycle planning for IT services and solutions. Develop new requirements and feature-function enhancements. Create and design a life cycle plan that takes care of the current and future state of IT services and solutions.
- - Plan development of new requirements (10669) - Identifying and establishing new requirements of IT function in order to develop the IT solutions. Plan for new tools and components required for the development of IT services and solutions.
- - Plan development of feature and functionality enhancement (10670) - Creating a plan or strategy for the development of the distinctive attributes and the activities performed by the IT services and solutions.
- - Develop life cycle plan for IT services and solutions (10671) - Creating and implementing a life-cycle plan for developing IT services and solutions. Make plans, projections, and decisions based on the life cycle of the IT services and solutions. Determine current and future IT requirements, performance, goals, and objectives.
8.5.3 - Develop and maintain IT services and solutions architecture (10589) - Creating the architecture for the IT services and solutions. Revise as needed. Retire in case of inefficiencies.
- - Create IT services and solutions architecture (10672) - Designing and developing a complex or carefully designed structure that lays out the specifications, models, and guidelines concerning IT services and solutions.
- - Revise IT services and solutions architecture (10673) - Reconsidering and revamping the IT services and solutions architecture, which lays out the specifications, models, and guidelines concerning IT services and solutions.
- - Retire IT services and solutions architecture (10674) - Withdrawing the IT services and solutions architecture in case of inefficiencies.
8.5.4 - Create IT services and solutions (10590) - Understanding customer requirements. Design the IT services and solutions based on the requirements. Develop components for providing the requirements. Train resources to provide support. Test the IT services and solutions in advance. Confirm the customer experience post-sale.
- - Understand confirmed requirements (10675) - Obtaining and comprehending the requirements for IT services and solutions in the market. Conduct market research to understand and analyze the possible market for the organization's IT services and solutions.
- - Design IT services and solutions (10676) - Designing specific applications of business and technical expertise. This will enable organizations in the creation, management, and optimization of, or access to, information and business processes.
- - Acquire/Develop IT service/solution components (10677) - Acquiring and creating the components needed for the provision and development of IT services and solutions. Design or acquire software, hardware, interfaces, servers, etc.
- - Train services and solutions resources (10678) - Preparing resources for the provision of IT services and solutions. Teach the skill or type of behavior through sustained practice and instruction to the employees who will provide the IT solutions and services.
- - Test IT services/solutions (10679) - Examining the developed IT services and solutions. Test the IT services and solutions in focus groups, etc.
- - Confirm customer acceptance (10680) - Analyzing the adoption of the IT services and solutions by customers, and confirming the customers' experiences met expectations. Use customer feedback, customer surveys, and customer reviews to effectively communicate and comprehend the experiences of the customers.
8.5.5 - Maintain IT services and solutions (10591) - Updating and maintaining the requirements for IT services and solutions. Perform defect analysis, and design changes accordingly. Acquire or develop the components for changed IT services and solutions. Test changes. Retire the outdated and inefficient IT solutions and services.
- - Understand upkeep/enhance requirements and defect analysis (10681) - Comprehending the need to enhance the IT services and solutions by performing defect analysis. Update the requirements for IT services and solutions. Perform an analysis using defects as data for continuous quality improvement in IT services and solutions.
- - Design change to existing IT service/solution (10682) - Taking into account the updated requirements and design changes for the IT services and solutions.
- - Acquire/Develop changed IT service/solution component (10683) - Acquiring or creating components for changing IT services and solutions. Design or acquire updated software, hardware, interfaces, servers, etc.
- - Test IT service/solution change (10684) - Performing tests on a changed or updated IT services and solutions. Test the IT services and solutions by piloting solutions, creating trial runs, etc. to validate the impact of change. Ensure the IT function facilitates the required amount of support.
- - Retire solutions and services (10685) - Withdrawing inefficient and outdated IT solutions and services.
8.6 - Deploy information technology solutions (10567) - Executing IT solutions by creating a strategy for deployment. Plan and execute the changes. Plan and administer the release of its IT services and solutions.
8.6.1 - Develop the IT deployment strategy (10592) - Creating and implementing a strategy for the deployment of IT solutions. Define all of the activities that make the IT function available for use. Establish the change policies for IT services and solutions. Define the deployment process, procedures, and tools. Select the most feasible and practical methodologies for the deployment process.
- - Establish IT services and solutions change policies (10686) - Defining policies regarding changes in IT services and solutions. Manage changes in a rational and predictable manner so that employees can plan accordingly. Reduce the negative impact to the user community. Increase the value of IT services and solutions.
- - Define deployment process, procedures, and tools standards (10687) - Outlining standards processes, methods, and equipment for deployment of IT solutions. Manage the subversion server, production server, development server etc. to make the IT services and solutions available for internal/client use.
- - Select deployment methodologies and tools (10688) - Assessing the tools and techniques for deploying IT solutions in order to choose the most appropriate options. Evaluate the pros and cons of all the methodologies available. Choose the most efficient and effective methodology.
8.6.2 - Plan and implement changes (10593) - Strategizing and executing changes in IT solutions and services. Create a plan for deploying the changes. Communicate with stakeholders about the changes. Administer and implement the changes. Train the resources who will be affected by these changes. Install changes and verify their effect.
- - Plan change deployment (10689) - Creating plans for deploying the change in IT services and solutions. Define the changes. Implement a plan.
- - Communicate changes to stakeholders (10690) - Coordinating the changes in IT services and solutions with stakeholders. Communicate with creditors, directors, employees, owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources.
- - Administer change schedule (10691) - Managing the schedule for implementation of change. Plan and carry out a process or procedure to implement the predefined changes.
- - Train impacted users (10692) - Preparing users for changes in IT solutions. Conduct training sessions and engagement activities to familiarize users with the new changes.
- - Distribute and install change (10693) - Administering and implementing the changes in place for the new strategies to take effect. Install new components, software, hardware, etc. onto the systems of the affected users.
- - Verify change (10694) - Confirming that the changes to the IT function have met expectations.
8.6.3 - Plan and manage releases (10594) - Managing, planning, scheduling, and controlling an IT software or service build through different stages and environments, including testing and deploying its release. Understand the release design and acceptance. Plan the release rollout. Distribute and install the release. Verify the release.
- - Understand and coordinate release design and acceptance (10695) - Coordinating the deployment of new IT services and understanding the traction and level of approval for the same. Administer and synchronize the release of IT service packages. Manage version control and the uptake and level of acceptance.
- - Plan release rollout (10696) - Creating a plan for introducing the IT services and solutions provided by the organization in the market.
- - Distribute and install release (10697) - Distributing and implementing the release of changed IT solutions. Administer, implement, and install the releases onto internal systems. Provide methods for installing releases on client users.
- - Verify release (10698) - Confirming that the release has met expectations.
8.7 - Deliver and support information technology services (10568) - Creating a strategy for successfully delivering the IT services and solutions. Create a strategy for providing IT support services. Manage IT architecture resources. Manage the operational activities of IT services. Provide support for IT services and solutions.
8.7.1 - Develop IT services and solution delivery strategy (10595) - Creating a strategy for delivering IT services and solutions. Establish the sourcing strategy. Establish the delivery process procedures and tools. Examine and choose the most effective methodologies and tools.
- - Establish sourcing strategy for IT delivery (10699) - Creating and implementing a strategy for sourcing delivery of IT services and solutions. Examine the pros and cons of various sources that can support the delivery process. Select the most feasible and cost-effective sources.
- - Define delivery processes, procedures, and tools standards (10700) - Establishing standards for the processes, methods, and equipment supporting the delivery of IT services and solutions. Manage the transportation system, delivery schedule, etc. for the delivery process.
- - Select delivery methodologies and tools (10701) - Assessing the tools and techniques for delivering IT services and solutions, and choosing the most appropriate tools and techniques. Evaluate the pros and cons of all the methodologies and tools available. Choose the most efficient and effective methodology.
8.7.2 - Develop IT support strategy (10596) - Creating a strategy for provision of support to users of IT services and solutions.
- - Establish sourcing strategy for IT support (10702) - Developing a strategy for sourcing resources to support users of IT services and solutions. Establish the sources that will make use of e-mail, live support software online, or a tool where users can log a call or incident in order to retrieve IT support.
- - Define IT support services (10703) - Establishing services for providing support to users of IT services and solutions. Define the plethora of services by which the organization assists users of computers, software products, or other electronic/mechanical products.
8.7.3 - Manage IT infrastructure resources (10597) - Managing the resources required for administration of IT infrastructure. Manage the IT inventory and assets. Take care of the organization's IT resource capacity.
- - Manage IT inventory and assets (10704) - Managing the complete list of IT items or resources available with the organization. Use inventory and asset management systems to automate the process of asset discovery, tracking, and reporting of the resources.
- - Manage IT resource capacity (10705) - Handling the resource capacity of the IT function. Manage storage, computer hardware, software, and connection infrastructure resources that can be stored as inventory or provided by the organization as needed.
8.7.4 - Manage IT infrastructure operations (10598) - Managing all processes and services that are provisioned by an IT staff to their internal or external clients and used by themselves. Deliver IT services and solutions. Perform IT operations support services.
- - Deliver IT services and solutions (10706) - Supplying or provisioning IT services and solutions to the users. Design an IT service delivery model that defines the processes and procedures needed to deliver the IT services and solutions.
- - Perform IT operations support services (10707) - Executing support services for operational activities within the IT function. Use operation support systems to manage the IT operations support services.
8.7.5 - Support IT services and solutions (10599) - Managing the availability of the IT services and solutions. Provide facilities. Manage backup/recovery systems. Track performance and capacity. Manage any incidents, problems, or inquires related to it.
- - Manage availability (10708) - Handling the availability for IT services and solutions. Manage the inventory and operations systems to ensure that the demand for the IT solutions and services is always met.
- - Manage facilities (10709) - Managing the facilities that support the provision of IT services and solutions. Keep facilities such as the software, hardware, and systems up-to-date in order to ensure the provision of IT services and solutions.
- - Manage backup/recovery (10710) - Managing backup/recovery for IT services and solutions. Copy and archive computer data so it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. Use a backup system or application.
- - Manage performance and capacity (10711) - Overseeing the performance and capacity of IT services and solutions. Use key performance indicators to routinely track the performance and capacity levels of IT services and solutions.
- - Manage incidents (10712) - Managing instances or occurrences within the IT function.
- - Manage problems (10713) - Identifying, recording, and resolving any IT problems. Create and manage a problem-resolving system or function within the IT function to ensure smooth and timely operations.
- - Manage inquiries (10714) - Taking care of the inquiries or requests by the customers or users of the IT services and solutions provided by the organization.