Number of FTEs (including external) that perform the process group "govern and manage product/service development program" per $1 billion revenue

This measure calculates number of full time equivalents (FTEs) (including external) per $1 billion revenue that perform the process group "govern and manage product/service development program". The Process group "govern and manage product/service development program" includes [Supervising the complete product/service program from innovation until its commercial success. Meeting the customer demand and expectations. Conduct further development and innovation pertaining to business goals.]. This Process Efficiency measure is intended to help companies minimize waste and refine resource consumption related to the process group "Perform governance and program management".

Benchmark Data


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Measure Category:
Process Efficiency
Measure ID:
Total Sample Size:
1,094 All Companies
25th Median 75th
- - -
Key Performance Indicator:

Sample image showing interactive filters for more detailed measure peer group data and an interactive graph.

Compute this Measure

Units for this measure are FTEs.

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(Number of FTEs (including external) that perform the function "develop and manage products and services" * Percentage of FTEs (including external) that perform the function "develop and manage products and services" allocated to the process group "govern and manage product/service development program" * 0.01) / (Total business entity revenue * 0.000000001)

Key Terms

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Total annual revenue is net proceeds generated from the sale of products or services. This should reflect the selling price less any allowances such as quantity, discounts, rebates and returns. If your business entity is a support unit and therefore does not directly generate revenue, then provide the revenue amount for the units you support. For government/non-profit organizations, please use your non-pass-through budget. For insurance companies the total annual revenue is the total amount of direct written premiums, excluding net investment income. Note: Business entity revenue needs to only include inter-company business segment revenue when the transactions between those business segments are intended to reflect an arm's length transfer price and would therefore meet the regulatory requirements for external revenue reporting.

To calculate the number of full-time equivalents employed during the year for each respective process or activity, you must prorate the number of employees and the hours spent performing each process/activity. Assume that a full-time worker represents 40 hours per week. Provide the average number of full-time equivalents employed during the year for each respective process. Include full-time employees, part-time employees, and temporary workers hired during peak demand periods. Allocate only the portion of the employee's time that relates to or supports the activities identified for an applicable process. Prorate management and secretarial time by estimating the level of effort in support of each activity, by process.

For example, a part-time secretary in the finance department for XYZ, Inc. charges all of his time to finance department activities. He works 20 hours per week. The secretary splits his time evenly supporting employees working in the general accounting process and the financial reporting process. Thus, his time should be allocated by process. So, if he works throughout the year and supports these two processes, his time would be split evenly as:

20hrs/40hrs = .5FTE * 50% for general accounting = .25FTE for general accounting

20hrs/40hrs = .5FTE * 50% for financial reporting = .25FTE for financial reporting

Process efficiency represents how well a process converts its inputs into outputs. A process that converts 100% of the inputs into outputs without waste is more efficient than one that converts a similar amount of inputs into fewer outputs.

Measure Scope

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Cross Industry (7.4)

  • 2.1.1 - Manage product and service portfolio (10061)
    • - Evaluate performance of existing products/services against market opportunities (10063)
    • - Confirm alignment of product/service concepts with business strategy (10066)
    • - Prioritize and select new product/service concepts (10074)
    • - Plan and develop cost and quality targets (10073)
    • - Specify development timing targets (10075)
    • - Plan for product/service offering modifications (10076)
  • 2.1.2 - Manage product and service life cycle (10067)
    • - Develop plan for new product/service development and introduction/launch (16824)
    • - Introduce new products/services (10077)
    • - Retire outdated products/services (10078)
    • - Identify and refine performance indicators (10079)
    • - Conduct post launch review (11423)
      • - Carry out post launch analytics to test the acceptability in the market (19646)
      • - Review market performance (11424)
      • - Review effectiveness of supply chain and distribution network (11425)
      • - Apply data and analytics to review supply chain methodologies (19647)
      • - Review quality and performance of the product/service (11426)
      • - Conduct financial review (11427)
      • - Conduct new product development process assessment (11428)
  • 2.1.3 - Manage patents, copyrights, and regulatory requirements (19985)
    • - Conduct mandatory and elective reviews (19941)
    • - Review infringement of patents and copyrights (16826)
    • - Determine patent and copyright needs (16827)
    • - Define product technical documentation management requirements (19697)
    • - Manage regulatory requirements (12771)
      • - Train employees on appropriate regulatory requirements (12772)
      • - Maintain records for regulatory agencies (12773)
      • - Manage regulatory submission life cycle (12776)
  • 2.1.4 - Manage product and service master data (11740)
    • - Manage materials master lists (11741)
    • - Manage bills of material (11742)
    • - Manage routings (11743)
    • - Manage specifications (11744)
    • - Manage drawings (11745)
    • - Manage product/material classification (11746)
    • - Develop and maintain quality/inspection documents (11747)
    • - Maintain process specification data (11748)
    • - Manage traceability data (11749)
    • - Review and approve data access requests (11750)