
The APQC Blog

Better Budgeting is My Top Finance Priority for 2017—What’s Yours?

Like everyone else who is currently older than about 25, I was forced to learn how to write in cursive during elementary school. And also just like the rest of my peers, my application of cursive is now pretty much limited to my signature. Do you know what would have been a much better use of the time we spent learning a skill than we’d never employ? Learning how to budget.

Budgeting is one of the most crucial skills a person has to have, and most of us learn it the hard way. Next year, though, I’m pulling out all the stops to make 2017 my best budgeting year ever.  We’re talking cloud-based spend tracking tools, automatic savings contributions, and, most important, living within my means.

Your Chance to Suggest 2017 Research Angles

Around this time of year, organizations in every industry are doing the same kind of self-assessments and are making their own financial New Year’s resolutions.

And the nosey researchers at APQC want to know what those resolutions are!

As we get ready to tackle 2017, APQC's Financial Management research team wants to ensure we meet your needs. Please help to guide our research agenda and share your top priorities and challenges. Basically, we want to know what concerns will consume your energy as you work to make your finance processes both smart and lean. We have identified several topics, including:

  • driving innovation in performance management,
  • restructuring and automating financial processes, and
  • strengthening the impact of finance’s analytical talent.

How would you suggest we angle these topics? Have we forgotten anything?

Please complete this survey no later than January 13. We also encourage you to share it with colleagues and friends—the more input we gather from you and your professional counterparts, the more targeted we’ll be.

Every survey taker will receive a flash report on what finance leaders are looking to accomplish in 2017.

Individual responses will be kept strictly confidential according to APQC's Benchmarking Code of Conduct.

Follow me on Twitter @alexandracanga or find me on LinkedIn