
The APQC Blog

ESG Changing Supply Chain Decision-Making

ESG Changing Supply Chain Decision-Making

In the current market, the increasing importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is primarily influenced by new regulations and customers' ever evolving expectations. Business customers and consumers are increasingly aware of their purchases' social and environmental impacts, considering the company’s commitment to sustainable practices in their purchase decision. This shift prompts businesses to accelerate the integration of ESG in their operations and supply chains. Companies that avoid regulatory pitfalls and align with new customer expectations establish more robust and more resilient relationships with their customers, enhancing their competitive advantage. The supply chain function is the decision-making hub for integrating ESG into operations.

APQC and Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) have embarked on groundbreaking research to learn how ESG considerations are influencing decision-making. This research aims to delve into the awareness and role of ESG in how companies manage their supply chain and relationships with suppliers, offering a unique perspective from supply chain leaders themselves.

At the heart of this research is how deeply ESG considerations are embedded in the supply chain. The survey will gauge supply chain leaders' current levels of awareness of ESG factors and how they influence their decision-making processes and relationships with suppliers. The dynamic nature of supply chains, especially in the field of ESG, presents fertile ground for evolving practices and trends. Our research seeks to identify these trends and offer insights into how they might shape the future of supply chain transformation.

Key Outcomes to Look Forward to:

  • How different levels of organizations understand and apply ESG policies and practices within their supply chains. 
  • How ESG performance influences supplier selection and the extent to which ESG is integrated into overall corporate strategies.
  • The main challenges companies face in implementing ESG initiatives and the opportunities they perceive – both internally and with their suppliers. 
  • Which stakeholders (like investors, customers, or regulators) influence ESG strategies most, and how are emerging technologies expected to transform ESG practices in supply chains.
  • The reliability of ESG data from supply chain partners and the perceived importance of different technologies in managing ESG performance will provide practical insights for organizations seeking to enhance their ESG tracking and reporting.

Your Insights are Needed

Your expertise can help shape ESG practices in the realm of supply chains. Your insights are invaluable and in exchange for your participation in a short survey,  you’ll gain exclusive early access to our findings and practical action steps . All responses will remain anonymous and the final report will be aggregated.

Take the Survey: https://apqc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dm0pi38uStqUayO 

About Digital Supply Chain Institute

The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) is a New York-based non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the understanding and adoption of digital supply chain practices. A member-led organization, DSCI provides a collaborative platform for industry leaders, practitioners, and academics to exchange insights, conduct research, and drive innovation in supply chain management. For more information, visit www.dscinstitute.org