North Dakota Department of Transportation: Finance Talent Management Case Study

Published On:
September 09, 2022
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The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) oversees a transportation system that includes about 8,518 miles of roadway and 4,858 bridges for the State of North Dakota. With 982 employees, NDDOT processes over one million vehicle registrations and serves over 500,000 drivers per year from its central office in Bismarck and eight district offices throughout the state.

APQC interviewed Shannon Sauer, CFO; Nikki Sackman, HR Division Director; and Terra Miller Bowley, Deputy Director for Administration, about NDDOT’s strategies and approaches for finance talent management. Sauer, Sackman, and Bowley shared insights about:

  • NDDOT’s approach to talent acquisition in a competitive labor market;
  • the organization’s unique employee value proposition;
  • opportunities for training and development in finance; and
  • lessons learned from NDDOT’s talent management journey.