How to Design and Implement a New Procurement Model
Designing and implementing a new service delivery model for procurement is no small feat. This form of procurement transformation requires sophisticated project management, substantive changes to policies and processes, new designs for organizational structure, robust change management, enabling technologies, and more. Coordinating all of these activities can quickly become messy and overwhelming if it is not carefully planned and orchestrated.
In October 2021, APQC hosted Trey Robinson and John Francis (partners and supply chain co-leads at ScottMadden) for a webinar to discuss leading practices in procurement transformation. As part of this broader conversation, Robinson described how leading organizations make the transition to a new service delivery model for procurement. Robinson’s insights and guidance included:
- inputs for a comprehensive assessment of the current state of procurement,
- how leading organizations split the work of transformation into implementation workstreams, and
- leading practices for service delivery model implementation.
This article provides a summary of the key points from Robinson’s discussion.