The APQC Blog

New Simpler PCF For Banking and Property and Casualty Insurance

My mom drives an RV whenever she travels. I am convinced that one of the reasons for this is the sheer amount of things she packs for any trip. Her philosophy is pack for any possible situation. While it is endearing and has sometimes gotten us out of a bind, it can be overwhelming. I choose to pack lean and if necessary, compensate on the fly. Both philosophies meet the end goal - travel preparedness; but, most don’t have an RV, desire, or patience to travel like my mom. 

My mom’s style of travel is similar to APQC’s general philosophy for our current industry-specific Process Classification Frameworks (PCF)®.  We felt that it was better to pack as many cross-industry processes, as we could, into our industry-specific frameworks. Not only does this keep all frameworks as similar as possible, it also provides an abundance of “just in case” processes. I see your house on wheels, mom.

We’ve noticed that most of you are like me, suitcase users. Good news! We heard you and have changed our philosophy to provide only the essential processes for each specific industry. In doing so, we have removed the cross-industry processes that SMEs have deemed to be extraneous to the industry-specific frameworks.   

 As this is a completely different take on how we have looked at processes within the industry-specific frameworks, we are restarting the versioning at 1.0.0. These frameworks continue to retain all the industry-specific processes you are familiar with, as well as maintain the relevant cross-industry process for the general business of doing business in these industries. 

So, dig in! Go through our Banking and Property and Casualty Insurance bags and let us know what you think. The frameworks are available in the usual PDF and Excel formats. The excel version, includes a comparative between the new 1.0.0 and 7.2.1 versions. The biggest changes are in category 4.0 Deliver Physical Products and 6.0 Manage Customer Service. We removed the processes related to production, manufacturing, logistics and warehousing, and warranty.  We also made some minor changes to process element names to better communicate their intent throughout the frameworks. 

After you’ve had some time to look through the new frameworks and put them to use we want to follow up with those of you who download these new PCFs and get see how this new philosophy works for you.  If you can’t wait to tell us what you think, please contact us at [email protected]