Grassroots Digital Transformation at Oxfam International

Published On:
February 28, 2020
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APQC met with Dianna Langley, Head of Digital Workplace at Oxfam International, to learn how Oxfam improved efficiency, standardization, and collaboration through an organization-wide digital transformation. New tools and technology not only helped improve employees’ digital literacy, but also enhanced global collaboration and mitigated geographic power imbalances across Oxfam.

This case study discusses Oxfam’s strategic approach, tools, business results, challenges and lessons learned along the way, as well as:

  • How Oxfam’s Digital Workplace Team combines global and grassroots approaches to meet the needs of end-users
  • How the Digital Workplace Team balances technical and non-technical skillsets
  • Why Oxfam’s digital capabilities are a competitive differentiator for donors and partners