Co-Innovate for Supply Chain Ecosystem Success

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December 15, 2023
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All organizations depend on others as part of their operations. With multiple organizations involved in sourcing, manufacturing, and delivering goods, the supply chain is a good example of this concept. At the same time, organizations must stay innovative to differentiate themselves from the competition and to ensure that they remain resilient in the face of disruptions and uncertainty. However, traditional methods of innovation limit the breadth of ideas generated and can put organizations at a disadvantage.

Open innovation is an approach based on collaboration and co-creation between an organization and its partners. To guide organizations through an assessment of their open innovation efforts and maturity, APQC has collaborated with IBM’s Institute for Business Value to jointly develop an open standard Ecosystem Enabled Innovation Maturity Model (EEIMM). This article discusses the EEIMM and its four domains, various open innovation maturity levels, benefits of an ecosystem-enabled approach, eight steps organizations can take to activate open innovation, and more.

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