
The APQC Blog

Collaborate to Innovate

Do you want to expand your organization’s idea-generating capacity? APQC’s upcoming Best Practices Study, Enhancing Idea Generation Through Collaboration, aims to look at how organizations use outside sources to bring additional value inside.

The reality is that more talent exists outside your organization’s walls than inside. This is true regardless of what industry you are in, how large your enterprise is, or how experienced and educated your employees are. 

To address this, leading organizations tap outside sources of innovation. Some, such as Shell International Exploration & Production, partner with universities. Other leading organizations, such as Procter & Gamble, use external networks to develop ideas. Enhancing Idea Generation Through Collaboration will take a close look at how organizations:

  •    develop a strategy for open innovation (including the protection of intellectual property);
  •    identify the people, processes, and tools necessary for the operation of an innovation ecosystem; and
  •    evaluate the success of an open innovation program.

Click here for more information and to stay updated on key dates for the study.