Driving Supply Chain Excellence with Integrated Business Planning at STC

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September 09, 2022
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Collaboration and cooperation are critical success factors for supply chain excellence in a chaotic and unpredictable world. Integrated business planning (IBP) helps to enable these critical success factors by bringing supply chain leaders, the finance function, and other key stakeholders together to draw up plans for balancing demand and supply. The planning and strategy that emerges from IBP is typically realistic, more responsive to change, and better aligned with an organization’s core business strategy.  

APQC hosted Mansour Alhawas, Telecom Projects Director, Material Management at Saudi Telecom Company (stc), for a webinar about how organizations can improve demand and supply through IBP. Mansour provided an overview of sales and operations planning (S&OP) as a foundation for IBP, spoke to some of the most common challenges for S&OP, and shared insights from stc’s journey to implement IBP. 

This is a summary of the webinar. Click to view the webinar recording or a copy of the presentation slides.