The APQC Blog

Who is Driving Data Centers' Move To the Cloud?

Transform to Better Perform is a new global thought leadership initiative developed by the Business Performance Innovation Network (BPI) in partnership with Dimension Data. It is dedicated to helping business leaders, IT organizations, data professionals and technology providers explore the transformation of the data center into cloud-based environments that meet today’s business needs.

APQC recently interviewed Tom Murphy, editorial director of BPI, and Richard Garratt, data center solutions director at Dimensions Data. In this podcast, Murphy and Garratt discuss their recent report  Accelerate How You Innovate: Data Center Evolution in the Era of the Cloud. They address the following questions in the podcast, Using the Data Center to Drive Innovation :

  • What made BPI and Dimension Data take a deeper look into data evolution in the cloud?
  • What is causing the shift of data centers into the cloud?
  • Who at organizations is driving the shift to the cloud?
  • What monetary and non-monetary benefits could organizations shifting to the cloud expect to see?
  • Are there any recommendations you would offer to an organization looking to shift to the cloud?

To find out more about more about what research BPI and Dimension Data are conducting check out their website (www.reinventdatacenters.com).