
The APQC Blog

On the hunt for excellence in process management

I’m looking for this year’s crop of best practice partners in process management – could it be you?

Process management–it’s a critical capability for any organization working with razor thin margins or dealing with the fleeting whims of fickle customers. Without effective process management capabilities, it’s difficult to react to market demands, changing legal and regulatory environments, and the impact of disruptions to supply chains from events around the world. APQC regularly researches various aspects of process management. Last year we did a deep dive into how organizations like UPS, ThyssenKrupp, the Williams Companies, and ING Life Japan get real work done using a process framework, like our Process Classification Framework (PCF). This year, I’m excited to lead a new project in our process management research area: Building Strong Process Management Capabilities. Following on the heels of last year’s successful study in Using Process Frameworks and Reference Models to Get Real Work Done, this year we’re taking a broader look at process management. Our theory is that organizations that take a balanced approach to managing their processes–a little technology, a little governance, a little strategic alignment, etc.–are better off overall. I’m looking for this year’s crop of partners–organizations that demonstrate excellence in managing their business processes. If you’re interested in participating in our research project, I suggest you complete our screening survey. We’re only going to hold it open until September 23, 2011. At that time, we’ll review the submissions we have received and select the partners that will participate in our research project. The survey only takes a few minutes to complete and if chosen as a partner you’ll participate on our project without fee. If you complete the survey and you’re not selected as a partner, we’ll give you a 10% discount on the participation fee when you do register. One of the best parts of working on a research project like this is that I get to work with all kinds of people from companies all over the world. Last year I had the pleasure of working with folks like Richard Davis of ThyssenKrypp, Linda McCain at UPS, and Liam Ward of ING Life Japan. Their work in using process frameworks at their respective organizations earned them roles as partners in our study. As partners, they demonstrated what sets them apart from the rest when it comes to using process frameworks. We did site visits, they shared their expertise, and we wrote case studies about them. They also got a chance to learn from the other partners and sponsors in the project. I bet if you asked them, they’d tell you that it was an incredibly valuable experience. Their only expenditure as a partner was their effort to participate. Contact me directly if you have any questions – [email protected] – and I look forward to seeing your submission.   Thanks, John