Total cost to perform the process "perform general accounting" per journal entry

This measure calculates the total cost per journal entry processed to perform the process "perform general accounting," which consists of managing an organization's ongoing financial records. A journal entry is the record of an accounting transaction. An entry is first made in a journal and then posted to the general ledger. A journal entry includes date, accounts debited and credited, and a brief description of the underlying transaction. The total cost is the sum of outsourced, overhead, personnel, system, and other costs. This measure is part of a set of Cost Effectiveness measures that help companies understand all cost expenditures related to the process "perform general accounting".

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Measure Category:
Cost Effectiveness
Measure ID:
Total Sample Size:
2,805 All Companies
25th Median 75th
- - -
Key Performance Indicator:

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Compute this Measure

Units for this measure are dollars.

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Total cost to perform the process "perform general accounting" / Total annual number of journal entries processed

Key Terms

There are no key terms associated with this measure.
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Measure Scope

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Cross Industry (7.4)

  • - Maintain chart of accounts (10819)
  • - Process journal entries (10820)
  • - Process allocations (10821)
  • - Process period end adjustments (10822)
  • - Post and reconcile intercompany transactions (10823)
  • - Reconcile general ledger accounts (10824)
  • - Perform consolidations and process eliminations (10825)
  • - Prepare trial balance (10826)
  • - Prepare and post management adjustments (10827)