Total cost to perform the process groups "manage employee relations", "reward and retain employees", "redeploy and retire employees", and "manage employee communication" per $1,000 revenue

This measure calculates the total cost to perform the process groups "manage employee relations", "reward and retain employees", "redeploy and retire employees", and "manage employee communication" per $1,000 revenue. The process group "manage employee relations" includes [Assisting general management in developing, maintaining, and improving employee relationships. This is accomplished through communication, performance management, processing grievances, and/or dispute. Interpret and convey organizational policies.]. The Process group "reward and retain employees" includes [Creating frameworks for rewarding and recognizing employees with the objective of retaining them. Create and manage programs for provision of rewards, recognition, and motivation. Manage and administer the benefits for employees. Help assist and retain employees. Administer payroll to employees.]. The Process group "Redeploy and retire employees" includes [Managing the reassignment and retirement of employees. Manage the process of employee promotion and demotion. Administer separation, retirement, and leaves of absence. Outplace employees. Deploy personnel. Relocate employees in order to manage assignments.]. The process group "manage employee communication" includes [Creating an effective plan that initiates and promotes communication and engagement among the employees and between employees and management.]. This Cost Effectiveness measure is intended to help companies understand this cost expenditure related to the process "Develop and train employees".

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Measure Category:
Cost Effectiveness
Measure ID:
Total Sample Size:
2,482 All Companies
25th Median 75th
- - -
Key Performance Indicator:

Sample image showing interactive filters for more detailed measure peer group data and an interactive graph.

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Units for this measure are dollars.

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Total cost to perform the process groups "manage employee relations", "reward and retain employees", "redeploy and retire employees", and "manage employee communication" / (Total business entity revenue * 0.001)

Key Terms

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Cross Industry (7.4)

  • - Align employee with organization development needs (10490)
  • - Define employee competencies and skills (16940)
  • - Align learning programs with competencies and skills (10491)
  • - Establish training needs by analysis of required and available skills (10492)
  • - Develop, conduct, and manage employee and/or management training programs (10493)
  • - Manage examinations and certifications (20125)
    • - Liaise with external certification authorities (20126)
    • - Administer certification tests (20127)
    • - Appraise experience qualifications (20128)
    • - Administer certificate issue and maintenance (20129)
  • - Monitor and evaluate learning programs (21436)