Total cost to perform the process "develop quality standards and procedures" per $1,000 revenue

This measure calculates the total cost to perform the process "develop quality standards and procedures" per $1,000 revenue. Total cost is the sum of personnel (compensation/benefits), systems (direct and/or allocated), overhead (direct and/or allocated), other internal, and outsourced costs. The Process "Develop quality standards and procedures" includes [Developing standards and procedures for maintaining the quality of products/services. Establish desired quality targets. Create standardized procedures for the quality. Ensure quality specifications are effectively communicated.]. This Cost Effectiveness measure is intended to help companies understand this cost expenditure related to the process "Develop quality standards and procedures".

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Measure Category:
Cost Effectiveness
Measure ID:
Total Sample Size:
461 All Companies
25th Median 75th
- - -
Key Performance Indicator:

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Compute this Measure

Units for this measure are dollars.

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Total cost associated with the process 'Develop quality standards and procedures' / (Total business entity revenue * .001)

Key Terms

There are no key terms associated with this measure.
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Cross Industry (7.4)

  • - Establish quality targets (10371)
  • - Develop standard testing procedures (10372)
  • - Communicate quality specifications (10373)