Number of FTEs that perform the process "manage demand for products" per $1 billion revenue
This measure calculates the total number of FTEs (Full-Time Equivalents) that perform the process "manage demand for products" per $1 billion revenue. The Process "Manage demand for products" includes [Forecasting demand for products using secondary research and customer feedback. Refine these forecasts. Inspect the approach used in creating forecasts, and determine its accuracy.]. This Process Efficiency measure is intended to help companies minimize waste and refine resource consumption related to the process "Manage demand for products and services".
Benchmark Data
Measure Category:
Process Efficiency
Measure ID:
Total Sample Size:
461 All Companies
25th | Median | 75th |
- | - | - |
Key Performance
Compute this Measure
Units for this measure are FTEs.
Number of FTEs that perform the process 'Manage demand for products' / (Total business entity revenue * .000000001)
Key Terms
There are no key terms associated with this measure.