Why Improvements Evaporate: How to Take 3 steps Forward Without 2 Steps Back

Published On:
October 13, 2016
Authored By:
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How many times have you seen process improvement initiatives that gain traction initially, but six months down the road fall flat? Instead of taking two steps forward and three steps back, you need an approach to overcome the roadblocks along the way. 

At APQC’s 2016 Process Conference i4Process explored some common roadblocks and provide a proven model for successfully implementing process improvement initiatives throughout the entire organization. Learning and adopting this approach for implementing process improvement helps organizations improve customer satisfaction, operational efficiency and execution excellence.

Attendees learned:

  • where your company lies within the three stages of operational excellence development and how to move forward,
  • how to use company leadership and culture to help define successful process improvement practices, and
  • how to create a secret sauce idea for your company.

These are the speakers slides from that presentation.  You can access APQC's session overview here.