Resource Library
APQC’s Resource Library is your source for timely and topical information to help you meet your most complex business process and knowledge management challenges. Explore our ever-growing collection of more than 8,200 research-based best practices, benchmarks and metrics, case studies, and other valuable APQC content.
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Tools & Templates|
APQC's Seven Tenets of Process Management Supporting Content and Best Practices
This resource guides you towards the best approach to improving your business process management with detailed definitions and process steps for each of APQC's Seven Tenets…
How to Get Employee Buy-in for Measurement
APQC's research shows that the top priority for organizations in the category of measurement is establishing a data-driven culture (44%) followed by ensuring performance…
Reports & White Papers|
2025 Operational KPI Priorities & Challenges Survey Report
In December of 2024, APQC conducted a survey to understand the common challenges and priorities associated with operational KPIs for process and performance management (PPM)…
Guidelines for Survey Design
Good survey design is key to achieving reliable and actionable insights from research projects. Survey designers need to create questions that accurately measure respondents’…
Normalizing Benchmarking Data
To draw accurate conclusions from your benchmarking data, you typically must “normalize” the data. This article explains how this is done using an example and discusses the…
End-to-End Process Maps and Measures
An end-to-end process mindset is often necessary to help organizations achieve their goals because strategic goals are rarely functional in nature. They are large-scale…
Tools & Templates|
End-to-End Process Maps and Measures: Record-to-Report
A common struggle for any end-to-end process management is identifying the right measures that encapsulate the value of the process. This article contains key performance…
Reports & White Papers|
Data-Driven Culture: How to Nurture, Lead, and Sustain It
To become a data-driven organization, you need a data-driven culture. When your organizational culture prizes evidence-based decisions over hunches and subjective judgements,…
Exploring Process Automation
APQC recently conducted a survey to understand more around organizations’ process automation efforts and identify how they can overcome some of the above challenges. This…
Balanced Scorecard: Common Measures
Balanced scorecard (BSC) is a management practice that aligns measures from an organization's strategic goals to specific process measures. BSC complements financial data …
Fundamentals of Measures
One of the reasons organizations grapple with effective data & analytics is their lack of a solid measurement foundation. Particularly around identifying the relevant, …
Picking the Right Manufacturing Measures
This article discusses how organizations can select the most appropriate manufacturing measures and how they can effectively communicate performance. It also identifies key…
In a field driven by precision and efficiency, supply chain organizations are looking for the right measures to track their performance and indicate opportunities for…
How to Pick the Right Supply Chain Measures
In a field driven by precision and efficiency, supply chain organizations are looking for the right measures to track their performance and indicate opportunities for…
KPI Trends Across the Years
APQC conducted surveys in 2018 and 2024 to understand the common challenges and priorities associated with operational key performance indicators (KPIs) for process and…