Resource Library
APQC’s Resource Library is your source for timely and topical information to help you meet your most complex business process and knowledge management challenges. Explore our ever-growing collection of more than 8,200 research-based best practices, benchmarks and metrics, case studies, and other valuable APQC content.
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Tools & Templates|
Interactive Finance Organization Tune-Up Diagnostic
Prepared using data from APQC’s Open Standards Benchmarking Finance Organization survey, this interactive diagnostic in Excel can help you compare your finance function's…
Tools & Templates|
APQC's Seven Tenets of Process Management Supporting Content and Best Practices
This resource guides you towards the best approach to improving your business process management with detailed definitions and process steps for each of APQC's Seven Tenets…
Tools & Templates|
PCF-Based Risk Assessment Tool
This tool can be used to assess and document the potential risks associated with the organization's processes as discussed in Managing Risk: How to Use the Process…
Tools & Templates|
Auditing a Process to Determine Improvement Opportunities
The purpose of this article is to present the key considerations for organizations looking to assess if a process is being executed the way it was documented and if there are…
Tools & Templates|
Process SIPOC Template
SIPOC analysis is most useful prior to process mapping or placing the process in a flow chart. It helps clarify the necessary steps in the process and provides clarity on…
Tools & Templates|
APQC Open Standards Benchmarking Glossary
This glossary contains definitions for terms found in APQC's Open Standards Benchmarking assessment surveys, measures, and data.
Tools & Templates|
Benchmarking: Quick Reference Guide
This guide provides a brief overview of APQC’s benchmarking methodology, tools, resources, and templates.
Tools & Templates|
Benchmarking Partner Selection Tool
This matrix tool is often used by benchmarking teams to determine which organizations to partner with in a study. This article explains how to use the matrix to ensure that…
Tools & Templates|
End-to-End Process Maps and Measures: Order-to-Cash (Visio)
A common struggle for any end-to-end process management is identifying the right measures that encapsulate the value of the process. This Visio file includes the maps…
Tools & Templates|
End-to-End Process Map and Measures: Vision-to-Strategy (Visio)
A common struggle for any end-to-end process management is identifying the right measures that encapsulate the value of the process. This Visio file includes the maps…
Tools & Templates|
End-to-End Process Maps and Measures: Sales and Operations Planning (Visio)
A common struggle for any end-to-end process management is identifying the right measures that encapsulate the value of the process. This Visio file includes the maps…
Tools & Templates|
End-to-End Process Maps and Measures: Sales and Operations Planning (Excel)
A common struggle for any end-to-end process management is identifying the right measures that encapsulate the value of the process. This Excel file includes the lists of…
Tools & Templates|
End-to-End Process Map and Measures: Vision-to-Strategy (Excel)
A common struggle for any end-to-end process management is identifying the right measures that encapsulate the value of the process. This Excel file includes the lists of…
Tools & Templates|
End-to-End Process Maps and Measures: Order-to-Cash (Excel)
A common struggle for any end-to-end process management is identifying the right measures that encapsulate the value of the process. This Excel file includes the lists of…
Tools & Templates|
How to Select a Process Improvement Project Manager
This article can be used to help process improvement project sponsors ensure the person selected to manage the project is the right person for the job. It gives a general…