Resource Library
APQC’s Resource Library is your source for timely and topical information to help you meet your most complex business process and knowledge management challenges. Explore our ever-growing collection of more than 8,200 research-based best practices, benchmarks and metrics, case studies, and other valuable APQC content.
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Expert Advice on Change Management
In an environment where change is happening at an ever-increasing rate, knowledge and process management professionals have an important role to play in helping organizations…
Webinars & Videos|
How Organizations Manage Change: Live Panel Session
Change management strategy is a key component of any organizational change initiative, whether related to organizational transformation, change in business strategy, large…
One thing is very clear: process management is more important than ever and its role and the people who work within it are evolving. But how do the people of process evolve…
Webinars & Videos|
How to Drive Effective Change in Organizations
Change management can be a complex undertaking and is sometimes met with resistance when not implemented effectively.In this podcast recording session, APQC's Madison…
As organizations seek to thrive through chaos and change, emotional intelligence is quickly becoming one of the most in-demand skillsets. Emotional intelligence is the…
Busy but not productive: it is the feeling that everyone dreads. At APQC's 2022 PPM and KM Conference, APQC’s Holly Lyke-Ho-Gland and Cindy Hubert led a general session on…
Data and Measures|
Fixing Process & Knowledge Productivity Problems Survey Report: Human Capital Management/HR
Wasted time, duplicated work, and inefficient processes chip away at an organization’s bottom line. Small inefficiencies add up—and they can hurt innovation and competitive…
Expanding How We Define Productivity
APQC’s founder, Jack Grayson, believed that true productivity encompasses both effectiveness and efficiency: “Efficiency measures if you are doing things right. Effectiveness…
Six Core Capabilities for Resilence: Q&A
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders are increasingly focused on organizational resilience. Organizational resilience is the ability of an organization to anticipate…
Collins Aerospace, one of the world’s largest suppliers of aerospace and defense products, has leveraged process management for over 20 years. However, the organization…
Process management works best when the tools and mindset needed to enable it are embedded across the enterprise. As part of APQC’s 2020 PPM Online Summit, Christa Bol,…
For Alvaro Caamaño (Business Process Architect, Intel), setting up a business process management (BPM) framework is like building a house: Without the right foundations and a…
Six Keys to Organizational Resiliency
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders are increasingly focused on organizational resilience. Organizational resilience is the ability of an organization to anticipate…
Although Collins Aerospace, has used process management for over 20 years, it needed to improve the adoption, ease of use, and scalability of its process management efforts…
Webinars & Videos|
Simplify Process Management to Amplify Success
Although Collins Aerospace, has used process management for over 20 years, it needed to improve the adoption, ease of use, and scalability of its process management efforts…