Transforming Credit-to-Cash at Cargill

Published On:
April 23, 2020
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This APQC webinar features Gunther Smets, Global Credit-to-Cash Process Manager at Cargill, discussing how Cargill transformed its credit-to-cash process, including the impetus for the change; strategy/structure, people, process, data and technology.

Key webinar takeaways include:

  • How Cargill defined, mapped, documented, and standardized and governed the end-to-end process (e.g., credit-to-cash)
  •  Critical success factors and lessons learned offered to other organizations for transforming their own credit-to-cash processes
  •  Future thoughts about moving from “credit to cash” to a true “order to cash” end-to-end process

This is the webinar recording; click here for a copy of the presentation slides.