Payroll Key Benchmarks: Cross Industry

Published On:
October 07, 2024
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Gain insight into the efficiency and effectiveness of your organization’s processes by benchmarking common business activities. The process group “Process payroll” includes processes and activities such as report time, manage pay, and manage and process payroll taxes.

Prepared using data from APQC's Open Standards Benchmarking® in Payroll, this table highlights financial management payroll key performance indicator (KPI) benchmarks for organizations across all industries. Organizations can use this information to benchmark and continuously improve their financial management processes. For more information on these measures and metrics, see the Summary of Open Standards Benchmarking Measures: Payroll.

Metrics provided include:

  • total cost to process payroll,
  • cycle time in business days to process payroll,
  • number of employees paid per FTE that performs the process group "process payroll",
  • and many more.