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Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of customer accounts set up for automatic cash application
This measure helps companies calculate the percentage of customer accounts that are set up for automatic cash application, a process in which cash receipts from customers are…
Measure Spotlights|
Cost of goods sold as a percentage of revenue
This measure calculates the total annual cost of goods sold (COGS) as a percentage of revenue. COGS represents the cost of purchasing raw materials and manufacturing finished…
Measure Spotlights|
Selling, general, and administrative (SGA) costs per business entity employee
This measure calculates selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) costs per business entity employee. Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) Costs refers to the…
Measure Spotlights|
Number of learning days per employee
This measure calculates the average number of days per employee that were dedicated to learning. It is calculated by dividing the total number of days utilized for learning a…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of training programs developed externally
This measure calculates the percentage of training programs developed externally. As part of a set of Supplemental Information measures, it helps companies evaluate…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of training programs developed internally
This measure calculates the percentage of training programs developed internally. As part of a set of Supplemental Information measures, it helps companies evaluate…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of training programs developed through other channels
This measure calculates the percentage of training programs developed through channels other than internal, external, or partnerships with external specialists. As part of a…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of training programs developed through partnerships with external specialists
This measure calculates the percentage of training programs developed through partnerships with external specialists. As part of a set of Supplemental Information measures,…
Measure Spotlights|
Average monthly product family forecast error (mean absolute percentage error, MAPE)
This measure helps project the accuracy of the average monthly product family forecast error using Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), which looks at 12 monthly sales…
Measure Spotlights|
Customer order cycle time in days
This measure calculates the average cycle time in days (including weekends) between order placement by the customer and order delivery to the customer for primary products…
This measure calculates the maximum number of hours it takes to engineer, select and negotiate with suppliers and order materials for customized configuration of non-standard…
Measure Spotlights|
Freight cost to perform the process "operate outbound transportation" per $1,000 revenue
This measure calculates the freight cost per $1,000 revenue to prepare goods for delivery from a warehouse to a receiving location, which comprises activities like the…
Measure Spotlights|
Number of FTEs that perform the process "define logistics strategy" per $1 billion revenue
This measure calculates the number of full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) per $1 billion revenue who are employed to translate customer service requirements into capacity…
Measure Spotlights|
Number of FTEs that perform the process "operate outbound transportation" per $1 billion revenue
This measure calculates the number of full-time equivalents employees (FTEs) per $1 billion revenue who prepare the goods for delivery from a warehouse to a receiving…
Measure Spotlights|
Number of FTEs that perform the process "operate warehousing" per $1 billion revenue
This measure calculates the number of full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) per $1 billion revenue who are employed to receive, inspect, and store incoming materials; pick,…