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Measure Spotlights|
Number of learning days per employee
This measure calculates the average number of days per employee that were dedicated to learning. It is calculated by dividing the total number of days utilized for learning a…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of training programs developed externally
This measure calculates the percentage of training programs developed externally. As part of a set of Supplemental Information measures, it helps companies evaluate…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of training programs developed internally
This measure calculates the percentage of training programs developed internally. As part of a set of Supplemental Information measures, it helps companies evaluate…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of training programs developed through other channels
This measure calculates the percentage of training programs developed through channels other than internal, external, or partnerships with external specialists. As part of a…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage of training programs developed through partnerships with external specialists
This measure calculates the percentage of training programs developed through partnerships with external specialists. As part of a set of Supplemental Information measures,…
Measure Spotlights|
Learning budget per business entity employee
This measure calculates the budget allocated to learning for the 12-month period per business entity employee. This measure is part of a set of Cost Effectiveness measures…
Measure Spotlights|
Average time in days to close an identified skill or capability gap through training for an employee
This measure calculates total average time in calendar days per employee to close an identified skill or capability gap through training. This Cycle Time measure is intended…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage change achieved in learning budget per employee due to HR function automation
This measure calculates an estimated change in percentage in learning budget per employee due to automation. Examples of automation for this purpose include ERP scripting,…
Measure Spotlights|
Total cost to perform the process groups "manage employee relations", "reward and retain employees", "redeploy and retire employees", and "manage employee communication" per $1,000 revenue
This measure calculates the total cost to perform the process groups "manage employee relations", "reward and retain employees", "redeploy and retire employees", and "manage…
This measure calculates the total cost to perform the process groups "manage employee relations", "reward and retain employees", "redeploy and retire employees", and "manage…
Measure Spotlights|
Percentage change achieved in time to close an identified skill or capability gap through training due to HR function automation
This measure calculates an estimated change in percentage in time taken to close an identified skill or capability gap through training due to automation. Examples of…
Measure Spotlights|
Total cost to perform the process "develop and train employees" per business entity employee
This measure calculates total cost per business entity employee to perform the process "develop and train employees". Total cost is the sum of personnel (compensation…
Measure Spotlights|
Total cost to perform the process "develop and train employees" per $1,000 revenue
This measure calculates total cost per $1,000 business entity revenue to perform the process "develop and train employees". Total cost is the sum of personnel (compensation…
Measure Spotlights|
Total cost to perform the process "develop and train employees" as a percentage of total cost to perform the process group "manage employee on-boarding, development, and training"
This measure calculates percentage of total cost to perform the process group "manage employee on-boarding, development, and training" allocated to the process "develop and…
Measure Spotlights|
Total cost to perform the process "develop and train employees" per business entity FTE
This measure calculates business entity's total annual cost to perform the process "develop and train employees" per business entity FTE (Full Time Equivalent). Total cost is…